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If we don’t truly understand and believe the why, we’re not going to do it. So you have to go back and retrain on the why. And so you have to start back at the beginning of, well, why are we investing time and resources and why is it important? How does it link to your success? How does it link to the company’s success? How does it link to better patient care? How does it link to better customer service?

And I think that’s where in our rush to do things good, in our rush to accomplish things because we’re short-staffed and there’s more challenges than ever in health care today, we probably don’t spend enough time on the why, get everybody aligned around the why. Because that is I think why things don’t sustain over time. And that’s why you also see other organizations that are really good at sustaining because they’ve got a great culture.

But when think of organizations like Northwell in New York, or Providence organizations, or even some of the children’s hospitals, they have such a strong passion, they’ve got great leaders, and they’re good at getting everybody on-board and understanding what are we doing, why are we doing it, and then let’s figure out how we’re going to do it together.



  • Jill Schwieters

    Jill is dedicated to making a difference in healthcare by fostering innovation and improving the patient and employee experience. As senior managing director of Surgical Directions, she drives organizational strategy, builds strategic client and partner relationships, leads key growth initiatives, and oversees executive leadership development.

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Jill Schwieters

Jill is dedicated to making a difference in healthcare by fostering innovation and improving the patient and employee experience. As senior managing director of Surgical Directions, she drives organizational strategy, builds strategic client and partner relationships, leads key growth initiatives, and oversees executive leadership development.